티스토리 뷰

Email English Expression (May 8, 2007)


Last Month, I Knew English Learning Website due to the Senior Manager Yoo han


This Site provides the News of Vocie of America to Learner of English

Professor is devoted and funny and contents are for free

Don’t study for two hours once a week, but study for at least 10 minutes everyday.

Right now.. Please try to study...

Today CoP Expression..


~하기를 기대합니다.

I look forward to ~

ex) I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

      I look forward to seeing you upon your arrival
     I look forward to receiving your opinion on the new Web site's format.

~기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다.

We will be happy to ~

ex) We will be happy to provide you with anything you need.

     We will be happy to ansewer all your question
     We will be happy to explain the processs in detail


I would be grateful if you ~

ex) I would be grateful if you would call me immediately
    I would be grateful if you didn't tell anyone.
    I would be grateful if you could e-mail the file to me.
