티스토리 뷰

Today CoP Expression..


~좋은 소식을 알립니다.

I'm happy to report to you that ~~

ex) I'm happy to report to you that we have repaired all of your problems

    I'm happy to report to you thatt the campaign was a complete success.

    I'm happy to report to you that the item you ordered will be delivered by this afternoon.

~을 알리게 되어 기쁩니다.

We are pleased to inform you that ~

ex) We are pleased to inform you that everyone in the office will receive a bonus.

      We are pleased to inform you that the company has just signed a new deal with the ABC co.

      We are pleased to inform you that the Sales Department set a record for this month.

~하면 우리에게 알려 주십시오.

Please inform us if ~~

ex) Please inform us if you encounter any problmes

    Please inform us if  your computer is unable to run the program.

    Please inform us if you need to change the default settings.
