티스토리 뷰

Email English Expression (May 22, 2007)

Today CoP Expression..


~ 에 초대합니다.

We are happy to invite you to ~

ex)  We are happy to invite you to the grand opening of our department store.

     We are happy to invite you to our 10th anniversary celebration.

     We are happy to invite you to dinner at our house this Friday.

~ 되도록 빨리 ~을 알려주세요.

Please confirm at your early convenience that ~

ex) Please confirm at your early convenience that your intend to stay overnight.

      Please confirm at your early convenience that which product you want to order.

      Please confirm at your early convenience that we will be meeting at 3:00

우리 CEO께서 ~을 방문하실 예정입니다.

Our CEO will visit ~

ex) Our CEO will visit the San Francisco factory on the morning of the tenth.

     Our CEO will visit serveral countries in Europe on his next business trip

     Our CEO will visit sometime during the next few days.
