티스토리 뷰

Email English Expression (May 28, 2007)

~의 의사록을 첨부합니다.

I'm attaching the minutes of ~

ex) I'm attacing the minutes of yesterday's meeting on the newest design proposal.

     I'm attacing the minutes of last week's conference concerning Mr.Smith's suggestions.

     I'm attacing the minutes of Tuesday's meeting about your upcoming trip to singapore.

~에 관련하여 의견이나 제안이 있을 경우에 알려주세요.

If you have any device or suggestions regarding ~~ Please let me know

ex) If you have any device or suggestions regarding the proposed plan Please let me know

    If you have any device or suggestions regarding the tuture construction of our new research facility Please let me know

    If you have any device or suggestions regarding which applicant should be hired Please let me know

여러분 만약 ~ 하시다면 저에게 알려주세요.

Everybody, if you have ~, please let me know.

ex) Everybody, if you have a problem with your computer, please let me know.

     Everybody, if you have any commnets about the new regulations, please let me know.

     Everybody, if you have a desk which no one is using right now, please let me know.
