티스토리 뷰

Email English Expression (May 29, 2007)

지난번 회의에서 ~가 결정되었습니다.

It was decided at the latest meeting that ~

ex) It was decided at the latest meeting that all employees must work overtime untill our work load decreases

    It was decided at the latest meeting that we need at least five new employees

    It was decided at the latest meeting that our current computers must be replaced

가능하면 한번 직접 만나서 ~ 하고 싶습니다.

If it is possbile, i would like to see you in person ~

ex) If it is possbile, i would like to see you in person to go over all the details one last time.

    If it is possbile, i would like to see you in person to get your advice on our new product

    If it is possbile, i would like to see you in person to review your most recent employee evaluation.

만약 제 사무실에 한번 와주신다면,

If you can come to see me at my office, ~

ex) If you can come to see me at my office, i would really appriciate it.

    If you can come to see me at my office, we could go over this month's sales figures

    If you can come to see me at my office, it will save me a lot of time.
