티스토리 뷰

Email English Expression (June, 4, 2007)

Subjects : Promise & Schedule.

Today CoP Expression..


~의 다음달 스케줄은 아래와 같습니다.

Next month's schedule for ~ looks something like this.

ex) Next month's schedule for the Marketing Department looks something like this.

     Next month's schedule for the late shitf looks something like this.

     Next month's schedule for Dr.Simon and his research team looks something like this.

~에 대해 나에게 항시 알려 주기 바랍니다.

I want you to keep me informed about ~

ex) I want you to keep me informed about any changes made to the report

     I want you to keep me informed about every person who asks to see me

     I want you to keep me informed about the changes in the stock price.

당신이 ~ 해준다면 고맙겠습니다.

I would appreciate it if you ~

ex) I would appreciate it if you double-checked the results one more time.

     I would appreciate it if you came to my office so that we could try to solve the problem together.

     I would appreciate it if you  managed to do it by yourself.
