티스토리 뷰

Email English Expression (June, 18, 2007)

Today CoP Expression..


~을 알리게 되어 대단히 기쁩니다.

I am glad to inform you that ~

ex) I am glad to inform you that we are happy to accept your offer

    I am glad to inform you that your request for funding has been approved.

    I am glad to inform you that the company agreed to our teams and will be signing the contract later today.


We regret that ~

ex) We regret that your great proposal has been rejected

     We regret that we cannot offer you a job at this time

     We regret that we must cut the funding for your research by 30%

~에 대해 지시를 받고자 합니다.

I would like to have your instructions~

ex) I would like to have your instructions about how to use this product properly

     I would like to have your instructions regarding what project i should work on next

     I would like to have your instructions as to when it's acceptable to visit your company.
