티스토리 뷰

Today CoP Expression..


아직 답장을 못 받았으므로, ~

As we haven't heard from you yet, ~

ex) As we haven't heard from you yet, we will not proceed with your order until you confirm it by phone

    As we haven't heard from you yet, we request that you contact us at the soonest available time.

    As we haven't heard from you yet, we must assume that you never received our e-mail.

저희가 현재 말씀하신 사항을 조사중이며,~

We are looking into the problem you reported and ~

ex) We are looking into the problem you reported and will fix it within thirty minutes

     We are looking into the problem you reported and will try to find out what's wrong with it

     We are looking into the problem you reported and will contact you when we have solved it.

~을 해주신다면 감사하겠습니다.

I would be most grateful if you ~

ex) I would be most grateful if you would contact me at your earliest convience

    I would be most grateful if you could provide me with the production numbers

    I would be most grateful if you would talk with Mr. Roberts and find a mutually beneficial time for all of us to meet.
