티스토리 뷰

Today CoP Expression..


만약 허락해 주신다면, ~

If i can get your permission, ~

ex) If i can get your permission, i'd like to share your idea with the entire staff

    If i can get your permission, i would like to use you as a reference when i apply for a new job.

    If i can get your permission, i want to visit the Boston office in person to try to solve the problem.

~해 주시겠습니까?

Would you please ~ ?

ex) Would you please check the figures again to ensure that there are no mistakes ?

     Would you please ask your secretary to fax me that file by this afternoon ?

     Would you please sign the contract, and send it to me ?

시급한 대응을 요하는 일이므로, ~

Since it requires a very urget response, please ~.

ex) Since it requires a very urget response, please read the report, and make your comments immdeiately

     Since it requires a very urget response, please do not hestiate in making your response

     Since it requires a very urget response, please call me when your meeting is over so that we can determine our course of action
