티스토리 뷰

A Framework for Research in Computer-Based Management Information Systems, B. Ives, S. Hamilton, G.B. Davis, Management Science, Vol. 26, No. 9, September, 1980.
MIS연구를 위한 프레임워크를 제시하고 있다.

기존의 다양한 MIS연구결과를 정리하고 이를 통해 MIS연구의 새로운 Framework을 제공하고 그 결과를 분석하였다.
논문에서 제시된 IS Reearch 모델은 조직내 IS연구의 대부분을 포함하고 있으나, 조직간(Inter-Organization)에 관한 접근은 현재 시대에 필요한 영역이 아닐까 판단된다.

기존의 5개의 MIS 관련 프레임워크를 정리해서 3개의 영역으로 MIS연구 모델을 만들었다.
1. 환경요인 2. 프로세스변수 3. 정보시스템 특성 이 3가지 영역으로 모든 MIS연구를 분류할 수 있다.

MIS연구자로서 어떻게 연구를 진행할 것인가를 디자인 할때 매우 유용한 모델이다.
각 변수를 어떻게 바라봐야 할지, 어떤 변수의 관계를 기준으로 연구를 해야 할지 등.

- The Mason and Mitroff Model
Mason and Mitroff have looked at an information system as:
2. faces a PROBLEM
3. within some ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT for which he needs
4. EVIDENCE to arrive at a solution, where the evidence is
5. made available through some MODE OF PRESENTATION.

Psychological Type
  a. Thinking-Sensation  
  b. Thinking-Intuition  
  c. Feeling-Sensation  
  c. Feeling-Intuition  
Class of Problems
  a. Structured 1. Decisions under certainty
    2. Decisions under risk
    3. Decisions under uncertainty
  b. Unstructured  
Method of Evidence Generation and Guarantor of Evidence-Inquiring Systems (IS)
  a. Lockean IS (Data Based)  
  b. Leibnitzian IS (Model Based)  
  c. Kantian IS (Multiple Models)  
  d. Hegelian IS (Deadly Enemy-Conflicting)  
  e. Singerian-Churchmanian IS (Learning)  
Organizational Context
  a. Strategic planning  
  b. Management control  
  c. Operational control  
Modes of Presentation
  a. Personalistic 1. Drama-Role plays
    2. Art-Graphics
    3. One-to-one contact group interaction
  b. Impersonalistic 1. Company reports
    2. Abstract models-computerized IS

- The Chervany, Dickson, and Kozar Mode
 Independent  Independent  Independent Dependent
 The Decision Maker The Decision Envronment  The Characteristics of The IS  Decision Effectiveness 
1. Indirectly Acquired Attributes
 - Aptitudes
 - Attitudes
1. Function 
 - Finance
 - Production
 - Marketing
 - Personnel
 - R&D Etc 
1. Format
 - Content
 - Presentation
 - Media 
1. Qualtiy
 - Cost
 - Profit
 - Time. etc 
2. Directly Acquired Attributes
  - Experience
2. Level
 - Strategic
 - Tactical
3. Environment
 - Stablity
 - Competitiveness
 - Time Pressure
 2. Time Availability

 3. Decision Aids

- The Lucas Model
a descriptive model of situational, personal and attitudinal variables and their impact on usage of the system and the performance of the information system user.

- The Mock Model
Mock focuses attention on the behavioral constraints imposed on the system designer.
Individual/Psychological Variables
  1. Attitudes--empathy, value structure, etc.
  2. Intelligence, analytical skills
  3. Universe of discourse
  4. Learning skills and approach
  5. Perception of organization goals, rewards, etc
  6. Motivation, hierarchy of needs
  7. Probabilistic approach
  8. Physical skills
  9. Experience and education
Organizational, Interpersonal Variables
  1. Formality of the information system
  2. Organization/decision structure
    a. Planning, budgeting, control process
    b. Decision levels
    c. Management style (X, Y or 2)
    d. Norms, roles, etc.
  3. Reward-punishment structure, performance measurement process
Sociological and Environmental Variables
  1. Culture
  2. Legal system
  3. Societal values
  4. Political realities
  5. Environmental complexity, noxity, eucity
Information Structure Variables
  1. Coarseness and fineness
  2. Content
  3. Amount
  4. Measurement scale
  5. Reliability and validity
  6. Net expected value
Decision Maker Performance Variables

-The Gorry and Scott Morton Model
  Operational Control Management Control Strategic Planning 

Accounts Receivable

Order Entry

Inventory Control
Budget Analysis - Engineered Costs

Short-Term Forecasting 

 Tanker Fleet Mix

Warehouse and Factory
 Semi-Structured Production Scheduling

Cash Management
Variable Analysis - Overall Budget

Budget Preparation
Margers and Acquistions

New Product Planning
 Unstructured  PERT/COST Systems Sales and Production R&D Planning 

-IS Resarch Freamwork

Environmental Variables : ISS의 범위와 형태를 나타내는 Resources와 Constraints를 정의
1. External environment,
2. Organizational environment,
3. User environment,
4. IS development environment,
5. IS operations environment.
ISS : Output of the Development process
        - ISS Content, Presentation Form, Time of presentation
Process Variables : Interactions between IS and Enviroments
        - Development process : Conformance to plan in terms of time and cost
        - Operation process  : performance, satisfaction of user, service (response time, availability)
        - Use process  : task accomplishment, productivity, decision making quality

- Categories of Research Derived from the Model

Type I A single variable group
Type II Relationship between process and environment variable groups
Type III Relationship between process and ISS variable groups
Type IV Relationship between environment and ISS variable groups
Type V Relationship between process,environment, and ISS variable groups