티스토리 뷰

세계적으로 불황의 그림자가 드리워져 있다.
내가 다니는 회사가 없어질지 모른다는 두려움에.. 앞으로 무엇을 하고 살아야 할까? 하는 걱정과 고민으로 그저 불안한 시대를 살아가게 된다.

이런 불안함과 고통의 시대에서도 "성장"하고 "돈 버는" 산업은 있다. 
앞으로도 돈을 벌 산업도 있다.

다가올 새로운 기회를 잡으려 한다면 주의깊게 살펴보자..

"Fortune"에서 불황의 시대에서도 성장하는 7개의 산업을 예시하고 있다. 하나씩 살펴보자.

1. 비디오 게임(Video Game) -
Wondering what all those laid off junior analysts are up to these days? Video games sales rose 18% in October, according to retail research firm NPD Group. Microsoft, which makes the Xbox gaming system, had its best Black Friday ever - sales on the popular November shopping day were 25% higher than last year. Nintendo has also seen higher sales, and GameStop, a leading retail chain, just posted a strong quarter. The stocks of most video game companies have been beaten down this year, but a strong holiday season may recharge the industry's returns. 

 -- 비디오 게임을 넓게 본다면 디지털 콘텐츠 산업 전체를 살펴볼수도 있다.
 -- 더이상 제조업으로 먹고살수도 없고 경제성장을 이끌수도 없다. 이제는 디지털 콘텐츠가 미래다.

2. 화장품(Cosmetics)
Forget oil prices and unemployment rates - you know the economy is in trouble when the so-called lipstick index soars. Leonard Lauder (chairman of cosmetics company Estee Lauder) coined the term when he argued that, in hard times, women seek out lipstick as a small indulgence. Signs that he's right: His company posted a 31% increase in profits last quarter, and cosmetics makers Ulta and Avon recently saw double-digit sales growth. While most department stores' overall sales are down the tubes, Saks and Nordstroms have reported that their beauty revenues are sitting pretty. 

  -- 불황기에는 여자의 치마 길이가 짧아진다고 하더니.. 같은 맥락인가?

3. 자원재생업(Waste Management)
Despite the economic slowdown, waste management companies are still cleaning up: Allied Waste, Clean Harbors and Waste Management all recently boosted profits, due in large to the industry's consolidation. Several trash collectors have cut their outlooks because of the lower commodity prices they'll receive for waste, but shrinking fuel costs and increased environmental regulation ought to keep them flush

  -- 자원재생업은 미래의 환경산업을 생각해 볼수 있다. 환경산업의 가장 초기형태가 기존 자원을 처리하고 재생단계이고, 다음이 대체 자원 등등..
  -- 기존의 지식과 같은 논리적 자원(Logical Resource)를 재생하는 사업은 없을까?

4. 인스턴트 식품(Comfort Foods)
The market is sinking, jobs are disappearing, and banks are going under: Can you blame anyone for wanting a bowl of Mac n' Cheese? Kraft - which also sells the equally palliative Jell-O - posted a 7% increase in revenues last quarter and upped its yearlong sales guidance; Cheerios-maker General Mills boosted its net sales by 14%. While Hormel's profits were down, its grocery store sales were up, due largely to the resurgence of Spam - the caviar of hard times.

  -- 쉽게 적은 돈으로 먹을수 있는거.. 라면..
  -- 먹는 산업을 한다면.. 향후 3~4년간은 많은 돈을 벌기보단.. 버텨야 한다.

5. 천원샵 (Discount Retailers)
Out of all of Morningstar's industry groups, discount stores comprise the sole category that has seen positive returns this year. Stock leader Dollar Tree saw a 6.2% increase in same-store sales last quarter and raised its expectations for the rest of the year, Family Dollar boosted its same-store sales by 2.1%, and Wal-Mart's rose 3.4%. Some investors are skeptical about how long discounters can thrive, but with economists forecasting a dismal 2009, it's likely that these bargain-basements will continue to shine.

  -- 불황의 그늘은 초저가 상품이 찾이 할듯..
  -- 중국 상품이 더이상 초저가가 아닌데.. 국내에서 초저가를 만들수 있다면.. (고령층이나 부녀자들을 활용한다면..)

6. 상업 대학 (For-Profit Education)
As the job toll rises, unemployed workers are filling the (mostly electronic) halls of private college chains such as Strayer Education and Devry. Strayer's enrollment soared last quarter and its revenues jumped 25%; Devry saw a 21% sales increase, and Apollo Group, which runs the University of Phoenix, boosted earnings by 13%. On average, the three companies have seen an 11% increase in stock returns this year, compared to -39% for the S&P 500.

   -- 내가 꿈꾸는 상업용 교육기관
   -- 한국에선 영리목적의 학원이 될듯.. 학원산업은 점차 구조조정하겠지만.. 교육산업은 디지털 콘텐츠의 중요한 축이 될것이다.

7. 패스트 푸드(Fast Foods)
Surprise, surprise: $1 hamburgers are recession-friendly. While casual restaurants around the country are declaring dismal sales (and in some cases, bankruptcy), McDonalds announced that same-store sales in November jumped 7.7%, thanks in part to the company's value menu. Burger King and Subway also posted fat gains in same-store sales, and Yum! Brands, which owns Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, is projecting 10% EPS growth next year.

  -- 싸고 빠르게.. 어쩔수 없는 현상아닐까?
  -- 먹는 산업을 한다면.. 향후 3~4년간은 많은 돈을 벌기보단.. 버텨야 한다. 치고 빠질수 있는 패스트 푸드에 관심을 가져야...