티스토리 뷰

Project Stakeholder Management focuses on the human dynamics of a project environment: managing relationships and communications. This essential process can help to ensure that your projects succeed where others fail.

We will present here a simple step-by-step process to help Project Managers cope with the demands of managing all the varied project stakeholders, named the ‘ice-cube’ model (because we have 6 steps like the 6 sides of a cube, and we name the steps I-C-E, I-C-E).


Here are the steps:

1. IDENTIFY the project stakeholders, by asking yourself:

  • Who will be affected by the project or its deliverable?
  • Who will get the responsibility of supporting the product once the project is over?
  • Any external contractors or suppliers?
  • Any government or regulatory requirements?

2. CLASSIFY and group the stakeholders by Interest and Influence

3. Gain an understanding, and manage, their EXPECTATIONS

4. INFLUENCE the stakeholders, by educating them about the benefits of your project

5. COMMUNICATE and get everyone involved as soon as possible

6. EVALUATE to check that your strategy is working, and also check for any changes in stakeholder groups

The process is discussed fully in the Article, available in the download section of this website.
