티스토리 뷰

From MIS Quarterly , Izak Benbasat, Robert W.Zmud.

Relevance Vs Rigor.
 - Relevance  to practice.

The nature of Relevant Research
 - Topices
 - Implemntable
 - synthesize
 - stimulate critical thinking
 - style and tone

Dimensions of relevance
 - Article's content (interesting, applicable, current)
 - Article's style (accessible)

Why much IS Research Lacks Relevance.
 - An emphasis on rigor over relevance
 - Lack of a cumulative tradition
 - The Dynamism of IT
 - Limited exposure to relevant contexts
 - Institutional and political factors

Suggestions for increasing the relevance of IS Reserch
 1) Topic Selection
   - Focus on future interests of Key stakeholders
   - Identify topics from IS practice
   - Identify, as an academic community, the core research issues
 2) Article's purpose
   - Focus on the likely outcome rather tan on inputs when choosing a research project
   - Develop cumulative, theory-based, context-rich bodes of research to be able to make prescriptions and proactive
   - Develop frame of reference to organize phenomena and provide contingency approaches to managerial action
   - Portray research outputs in ways practitioners can utilize to justify and rationalize IT related decisions
 3) Article's readability 
   - Use clear, simple and concise style in the write-up
  4) Editorial process 
    - set the goals of publishing manuscripts as being both riorous and relevant. 
