티스토리 뷰

Charlie Sheen Arrested

Charlie Sheen spent the better part of Christmas Day in a Colorado jail cell. Here’s his mug shot.

Authorities say the 44 year old was arrested on domestic violence allegations after officers responded to a 911 call from a house he’s believed to be staying at.

An ambulance did go to the Aspen house, but the accuser was not taken to the hospital.

Authorities are not identifying the person. Sheen is married.

He married a real estate investor in May 2008.

The couple have twin boys born in March. Sheen’s lawyer has cautioned against any rush to judgment, saying, he believes its much ado about nothing.

Sheen has had run-ins with the law before.

In December 1996, he was arrested and charged with attacking a girlfriend.

He later pleaded no contest and was placed on probation.

Sheen is out on eighty-five-hundred dollars ($8500) bond. Myra Lopez, the Associated Press.

Charlie Sheen spent the better part of Christmas Day in a Colorado jail cell.

* the better part of + 시간 : ‘시간’의 대부분

= Charlie Sheen은 크리스마스의 대부분을 콜로라도에 있는 감옥의 독방에서 보냈습니다.

Authorities say the 44 year old was arrested on domestic violence allegations after officers responded to a 911 call from a house he’s believed to be staying at.

* be arrested on~ : ~로 체포되다

* domestic violence = family violence : 가정폭력

* be believe to~: ~라고 여겨지다

He married a real estate investor in May 2008.

* real estate investor 부동산 투자가

Sheen’s lawyer has cautioned against any rush to judgment, saying, he believes its much ado about nothing.

* caution against ~하지 말라고 경고하다

* rush to ~ 를 향한 성급함, 돌진.

* make much ado about nothing 아무것도 아닌 일에 소란을 떨다

Sheen has had run-ins with the law before.

* have run-in with sth ~와 싸우다

In December 1996, he was arrested and charged with attacking a girlfriend.

* be charged with~한 혐의로 기소되다

He later pleaded no contest and was placed on probation.

* plead no contest to = plead guilty to~ : ~한 혐의에 대해 유죄를 인정하다

* place sb on probation: ~를 보호 관찰[집행 유예] 아래 두다.

Sum Up

Here is an actor called as Charlie Sheen. He was arrested on assault, so he was in prison now. But victim was not taken to the hospital. According to the new, accuser didn’t suffer serious harm. Several years ago, he was charged with violence to his girlfriend. He was released on bond.
