티스토리 뷰

Bharadwaj, A., “A resource-based perspective on information technology capability and firm performance: An empirical investigation,” MIS Quarterly, 24(1), 2000, pp. 169-19


[A RBV of IT and Firm Performance]


- 기업의 RBV 기업의 ‘unique’ 자원 가치 있고, 희귀하고, 모방이 어렵고, 다른 자원으로 대체하기 어려운 것을 기반으로 경쟁하는 .

- RB 이론은 전략을 실행하고 선택하고 구현하는데 필요로 하는 기업전반에 여러 다른 종류로 분포되고 기업간 차별적 요소로서 오랜 기간 동안 안정적으로 유지된 자원이라는 가설을 기반으로 한다.


- 자원(Resource) 다양하게 정의된다. Assets, Knowledge, Capabilities, Organizational processes

- Grant(1991) Resources Capabilities 구분하고 자원을 Tangible, intangible, Personnel-based resource 3가지로 구분함.

- Tangible: the financial capital and the physical assets of the firm such as plant, equipment, and stocks of raw materials.

- Intangible: assets such as reputation, brand Image, and product quality

- Personnel-based resources: technical know-how and other knowledge assets including dimensions such as organizational culture, employee training, loyalty, etc.


-  Capabilities refer to an organization's ability to assemble. Integrate, and deploy valued resources in combination or co-presence


[IT and the Resource-Based View]


1. The tangible resource comprising the physical IT infrastructure components

 - IT infrastructures that enable firms to

(1) identify and develop key applications rapidly,

 (2) share information across products, services, and locations,

(3) Implement common transaction processing and supply chain management across the business,

(4) exploit opportunities for synergy across business units represent the type of causally ambiguous resources

2. The human IT resources comprising the technical and managerial IT skills

  - (1) technical IT skills, such as programming, systems analysis and design, and competencies in emerging technologies

(2) the managerial IT skills, which include abilities such as the effective management of IS functions, coordination and interaction with user community, and project management and leadership skills

    - Firms with strong human IT resources are able to

(1) integrate the IT and business planning processes more effectively

(2) conceive of and develop reliable and cost effective applications that support the business needs of the firm faster than competition

(3) communicate and work with business units more efficiently

(4) anticipate future business needs of the firm and innovate valuable new product features before competitors.

3. The intangible IT-enabled resources such as knowledge assets, customer orientation, and synergy

    - the intangible benefits of IT such as improved customer service, enhanced product quality, increased market responsiveness, and better coordination of buyers and suppliers in evaluating IT systems

     - IT'S enabling, role is Illustrated here by utilizing three key organizational intangibles: customer orientation, knowledge assets, and synergy.

